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Hits:1599   Date: 10/21/2019


June 25-26, 2020     Osaka, Japan

THEME: The New Horizons of Challenges and Innovations in Plant Science

黄金城游戏 will be planned for Osaka, Japan during June 25-26, 2020  which incorporates brief keynote introductions, Oral talks, Workshops Poster introductions, and Exhibitions. The topic of the gathering is "The New Horizons of Challenges and Innovations in Plant Science". Plant Genomics Congress is the chief occasion that unites an interesting and universal blend of specialists, analysts, and leaders both from the scholarly community and industry over the globe to trade their insight, mastery and research advancements to assemble a world-class plant genomics meeting. The occasion centers around viewpoints, for example, reproducing, atomic marker advancement, crop improvement, malady opposition,  development studies, and pathology too understanding devices to defeat obstruction and empower fruitful information examination and the executives. Introductions concentrate specifically to plant genomics as well as yield and ranger service research running from wheat, grain, maize and rice to potato, tomato, Arabidopsis, biofuels and different natural products.

Target Audience:

* Plant and Agriculture Associations and Societies

* Soil Science and Agricultural Students, Scientists

* Agricultural Universities Faculty and Students

* Seed Science and Technology Breeders and Scientists

* Soil Science Researchers

* Soil Science Faculty

* Business Entrepreneurs

* Training Institutes Faculties

* Seed Science and Technology Breeders and Scientists

* Soil science and soil-plant Nutrition Faculties

* Researchers of Forest Science

* Researchers of R&D Laboratories

Contact us

N. Swati

Email: plantgenomics@黄金城游戏mind.com